I don’t think I’ve ever seen an election where the rhetoric is so completely devoid of issues.

On one side we have the Democrats who actually mention Trump more than Trump mentions Trump. Like that was even possible, they accuse Trump of anything and everything, but especially what they themselves are guilty of doing. Most of it is not true, and they take amazing liberties with his record.

Well, that’s not really correct. They outright lie about his record. It would be one thing if they fudge the truth a little, but it’s outright lying that’s not even close to being factual. It’s so egregious that you know they don’t believe it either.

They smear this man’s record and make baseless allegations about his economic plans.

Not that the Democrats have put forth a plan beyond a well-hidden page on their website that boils down to “tax the rich” and “Orange man bad”.

The only thing they have for a message is “Hate Trump.” I genuinely thought they would have done better. Maybe have some issues to run on? Genuine issues that affect real voters in these United States?

Is that too much to ask of the Democrats?

But if you keep your candidate from the press, all you have to run on is “Hate Trump.” Oh, and they want more taxes. They want to put a burden on you and take your money and give it to illegal invaders who will vote for them more reliably than you will.


‘When you cast your ballot in November, there are three issues for which you should be voting …


They want open borders, international weakness, and more taxes. They hate coal, and want to ban fracking. Democrats want to confiscate your gas stove, price steak off the menu of the average household and, for you to be cold in the winter and hot in the summer.

All in the name of “climate justice.”

But hey, eat bugs. They are protein, right?

They want you to give up your good paying job and be part of the “green” economy.

Just ask the folks who went to work for “Pure Watercraft” in Beech Bottom. They didn’t even make it two years before taking taxpayer dollars to the bottom of the Ohio River. Bankrupt. Out of business. Defunct. With your tax dollars, and a bunch of good people from the Northern Panhandle’s dreams.

But it’s green, right?

Here, pay this tax, and we will fix the “climate emergency.” They want us to believe their climate models are correct, and that they can make the sunspot activity stop. Like our nearest star cares about Democrats.

Is there any reason that any West Virginian would have a reason to vote Democrat?

Seriously. It’s why Democrats are pointless on a state level. Once upon a time the Democrats owned this state. Now their Democrat senators can caucus in a phone booth. If you can find a phone booth.

They have so few members in the House of Delegates that their only strategy is to cause a disruption. They don’t offer amendments like the Republicans did when we were in the minority. Their very presence makes a stink, and that odor is headed back to their districts.

When you cast your ballot in November, there are three issues for which you should be voting. The economy. Illegal Immigration. Energy.

That’s it. Three items.

Your choice is binary. A Republican Capitalist, or a Democrat Socialist.

Trump is a fighter, a pugilist who has already demonstrated he’s not afraid of the other side; that he will be vigilant against voter fraud; that wants limited government, personal responsibility and a robust national defense. He won his primary to stand in the general election.

Or you can vote for a Socialist who has never won a primary and was “installed” by her party’s elite – mostly because the guy who did win the primary seems to suffer from dementia. The guy she lied about.

Just another San Francisco liberal who never met a tax she didn’t like, or a lie she wouldn’t tell.

Just remember that her policies lead to the outrageous inflation we are experiencing, and the war in Ukraine and in Israel we caused by the administration in which she was the number 2 player. Her very presence puts our democracy in jeopardy.

No primary votes. Just installed. By costal elites who know you don’t matter. Our Democracy is in jeopardy because of the insane stunts of the Democrats.

Or, you can vote for Donald J. Trump He has demonstrated he’s competent. He led our country during some very difficult days. He has earned the respect of our law enforcement and military.

He’s a man who projected the power that kept all of us safe.; a man who had our economy humming with low interest rates. A fighter. I don’t know that we can afford another four years of what the Democrats brought us. But I do know that it’s time for a change. Back to something better.

Back to what we know works. It’s a clear choice. I’m voting for Donald J. Trump.


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