A devoted Ohio County resident with a relentless commitment to justice, Shawn Turak has officially announced her candidacy for Ohio County Prosecutor. 

With a passion for upholding the rights of victims and ensuring that criminals are held accountable, Turak brings over two decades of prosecutorial experience to her campaign. Her proven record as an Assistant Prosecutor, including her current role as Chief Assistant Prosecutor, attests to her dedication to securing justice and making Ohio County a safer place for all.

Turak’s roots run deep within the community she aims to serve and her commitment to Ohio County fuels her drive to confront the challenges it faces head-on. 

“For me, it’s personal,” Turak affirms. “Ohio County is not just where I live and raised my family; it’s where my heart is. I’m dedicated to ensuring that every family, every business, and every individual can thrive here without the shadow of crime looming over their lives.”

With an impressive legal career spanning nearly three decades, including recent convictions in the high-profile murder cases of William Carman and Gerald Jako, Turak’s experience speaks volumes about her commitment to justice.  Her track record is a testament to her unyielding dedication to the community. Over her career, she has tried close to 100 criminal cases to verdict, nearly half of them to a jury.  She has over 550 felony convictions in cases including murder, sexual assault, child abuse, drug trafficking, armed robbery, and theft-related crimes. 

Throughout her tenure as an Assistant Prosecutor, she has fearlessly and successfully prosecuted some of Ohio County’s most notorious criminals.  Turak’s courtroom prowess is particularly evident in her approach to facing murderers, gang members, sexual predators, and drug dealers without hesitation.

Turak works closely with victims and law enforcement to ensure that justice prevails. 

“We have incredible men and women in law enforcement who risk their lives every day to make our county a safer place.  I have always worked closely with them during my entire career, and my support for them will never weaken.” 

One of Turak’s defining qualities is her resolute stance on plea agreements. Her conviction-driven philosophy ensures that she only considers plea agreements if they serve justice and make criminals truly pay for their actions. 

“Crimes should not pay in Ohio County, and I’m committed to making sure of that,” Turak assures. 

Her principled approach extends to every aspect of her work, reflecting her dedication to her fellow Ohio County residents. At the heart of Turak’s campaign lies her unwavering commitment to community safety.  She envisions Wheeling and the entirety of Ohio County as places where families can thrive without fear, and businesses can flourish without concern. 

“A safe community is the bedrock of progress and growth,” Turak emphasizes.  “As Ohio County Prosecutor, I’ll be tireless in my pursuit of making Ohio County such a community.”

Turak’s candidacy stands as a testament to her unshakable dedication to justice, her community, and the pursuit of a safer, brighter future for Ohio County.  As the campaign unfolds, her commitment to securing justice for victims and holding criminals accountable is sure to resonate with residents across the county.