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Tag: BethanyCollege

When is the extreme partisan hate fest going to stop? It’s desensitizing the public to about everything political, and it’s a completely untenable state of affairs. If I were a partisan hack, and I’m thankful that I’m...

Inaugural E-Sports Tourney at White Palace February 24

Bethany College is involved with the event.

Amy Essington: Living the Life She Dreamed About as a California Kid

Parental and social pressure stalled her preferred lifestyle.

An OPEN LETTER to … Dallas Cowboy C.J. Goodwin …

Sometimes dreams do come true.

OVAC Weighing Its Options

With seating capacity potentially an issue, the OVAC may need to look at other venues for this season for some of its conference championship events.

Michelle Kret: Finding the Perfect Fitness ‘Fit’

A story about a young lady dedicated to physical fitness.

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