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Tag: DuttonCattle

When is the extreme partisan hate fest going to stop? It’s desensitizing the public to about everything political, and it’s a completely untenable state of affairs. If I were a partisan hack, and I’m thankful that I’m...

Ranch Night BBQ Chef Prepared for Farm-to-Table Feast

The one-of-a-kind concert is scheduled for Friday evening near Flushing, Ohio.

Ashley Best Prepping to Open for Dutton’s Ranch Night & BBQ

The event will take place on a farm near Flushing, Ohio.

Dutton Announces Ranch Night BBQ & Concert Starring Sammy Kershaw

The Dutton Ranch is in Flushing, Ohio.

Dutton Cattle Co. Welcomes Union Local FFA

The ranch tour was led by ranch Manager Jeff Shepherd, who has been working with Dutton Cattle for the last three years.

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